How to get a Hummel baby in one simple lesson
This is not your childhood collection of the action figures of the Star Wars. This is not a long forgotten Beanie Babies plushie. When your artistic taste has matured sufficiently to the point of adding Hummel baby art to your home, you are ready to learn about the kilns and firing methods and enamel paints. It will also add to the enjoyment of your collection, trust me! When you move along to the western Hummel baby houses, you dig into German and British history of workmanship, loving attention to the fine detail that is at the centre of creating a piece of art to be proud of. Hummel figurines use the charm of the original designs of Sister Berta Hummel and transform her drawings into three dimensional verisimilitudes by the methods of outward glazing and bisque firing. Your Konges sløjd (King's craft) require a special place of display, something that will catch the eye of the visitor and still safeguard the delicacy of the pieces. A shelf with a lip will prevent premat...